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Olive Shrimpton Swiss Pairs - JINGHAO GU / KEVIN GU
  Match Opponent Imps VPs Cum. Rank
Round 1 - Olive Shrimpton Swiss PairsGEORGE VERMONT / BRIAN HARDY (15) 4.45 11.449
Round 2 - Olive Shrimpton Swiss PairsPETER KAROL / ROBERT WHITE (13) -15.55 4.5017
Round 3 - Olive Shrimpton Swiss PairsIAN WEBB / MARIAN OBENCHAIN (7) 24.55 17.759
Round 4 - Olive Shrimpton Swiss PairsADRIAN BEAUMONT / DELL MACNEIL (14) -4.55 8.2010
Round 5 - Olive Shrimpton Swiss PairsDOUGLAS LAVERS / KENNETH REYNOLDS (17) 19.00 16.255
Round 6 - Olive Shrimpton Swiss PairsFRANCI HALMOS / JEAN HALL (4) -5.91 7.849
Round 7 - Olive Shrimpton Swiss PairsALAN SHARP / KATHY PALMER (9) -11.36 6.0510
Round 8 - Olive Shrimpton Swiss PairsLOUISE GOLD / JENIFER CODOGNOTTO (22) 6.85 12.529
Round 9 - Olive Shrimpton Swiss PairsSHIRLEY WANZ / SUSANNE MOULD (6) 14.91 15.256

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