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Congress Swiss Pairs - SARI IRLICHT / ALLAN LEIBA
  Match Opponent Imps VPs Cum. Rank
Waverley Congress - Swiss Pairs - Match 1ELAINE DICKSON / SYLVIA KUDELKA (12) 17.17 16.037
Waverley Congress - Swiss Pairs - Match 2DAMON FLICKER / SEB WRIGHT (46) 0.78 10.3911
Waverley Congress - Swiss Pairs - Match 3GAYLE BAGG / LOUIS CUKIERMAN (58) 21.81 17.483
Waverley Congress - Swiss Pairs - Match 4LEIGH GOLD / JAMIE EBERY (55) -2.39 9.227
Waverley Congress - Swiss Pairs - Match 5DELL MACNEIL / KEITH KAT (42) -2.31 9.228
Waverley Congress - Swiss Pairs - Match 6PAUL RUAN / JOHN YANG (20) -24.69 1.6823
Waverley Congress - Swiss Pairs - Match 7NALIN SAMARASINGHA / HIRANTHI SAMARASINGHA (13) -3.83 8.4432

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