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Tuesday Afternoon - Red (3-Oct-23)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1214.9 66.32% WEIMIN CHAI - YONG XIAN YIN (7)0.48
2198.0 61.11% ROBIN HUGHES - ANGELA BARRY (14)0.34
3180.0 55.56% BARB HENDERSON - KEVIN NEVILLE (6)0.24
4170.0 52.47% NORMAN MCLEOD - SUE FORSYTH (11)0.16
5167.0 51.54% CAROLYN HOPE - TRISH HARGREAVES (15)0.12
6165.0 50.93% ROSE DARMODY - NOELEEN MOSLEY (12)0.10
7163.1 50.35% STUART PEACOCK - PETER FERGUSON (9)0.08
8159.8 49.31% HELEN RUST - PHILIP MARTYN (1) 
10156.4 48.26% DINAH WINTON - KATHY MURRAY (2) 
11154.0 47.53% CHRIS MORRISON - JETTE JENSEN (13) 
12153.0 47.22% FAY STEWART - JUNE RICHARDS (8) 
13142.9 44.10% JULIE SPERNAT - ANITA CZARNY (4) 
14123.8 38.19% ANNETTE CRAIGE - SUE MERCURI (5) 
15122.0 37.65% DOM PELLEGRINO - CARLEEN WILSON (16) 

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